Im Handumdrehen bündeln wir zwei, vier, sechs oder mehr Fischdosen oder Schinkenpakete, Tütensuppen oder Schokoriegel. Auffallende (Aktions-)Verpackungen bündeln Eine Banderole ist ein einfaches Mittel, Aktionsverpackungen herzustellen. Zwei, vier, sechs oder mehr Fischdosen lassen sich ebenso leicht bündeln wie Schinkenpakete, Tütensuppen oder Schokoriegel. Eine Banderole im eigenen Corporate Design erhöht die Signalwirkung der Aktionsverpackung im Supermarktregal und damit den Kaufanreiz für den Kunden. Überlegen in allen Bereichen : - Mit einer Banderole ist die Aktionsverpackung im Handumdrehen fertig. - Viel besser als Schrumpffolie, sowohl bezogen auf den Energieverbrauch als auch auf die Materialkosten. - Die Banderole dient gleichzeitig als Siegel. - Gut für die Umwelt - Einfach zu entsorgen - Zuverlässige Verpackung - Vielseitig einsetzbar
These frank notes of Raclette cheese with its roasted crust brought by this allergen-free flavour, will rehance perfectly cheeses, savoury pies and soufflés, but also to sauces and gratins.
Die “runden Chips” sind ein toller Knabberspaß. Sie sind frei von Geschmacksverstärkern, Farbstoffen und Konservierungsstoffen. Die perfekte Wahl für Nussallergiker. Snack it!
Made with selected meats from our Iberian pigs, our Chorizo Castro y González “Selección” presents in sight with an intense red-orange color of soft touch and medium hardness, with an intense aroma in which the paprika used in its preparation stands out gently. With an intense and penetrating flavor given by the Iberian Presa that we use in its preparation, it conquers the most demanding palates.
Shipping weight:N / A
Un formaggio di capra che racchiude l’essenza e la tradizione della Sardegna. La sua pasta, di colore giallo paglierino, si distingue per la sua occhiatura rada e una struttura regolare e granulosa, simbolo di una lavorazione artigianale e attenta. Il profumo di questo formaggio si intensifica con la stagionatura, offrendo un’esperienza olfattiva ricca e invitante.
Il gusto del Mudosu varia da dolce quando giovane a piacevolmente piccante con la maturazione, offrendo un equilibrio perfetto tra delicatezza e intensità. Prodotto esclusivamente con latte di capra proveniente da Ogliastra, una regione rinomata per l’allevamento caprino, questo formaggio è un tributo alla qualità e all’eccellenza sarda.
Con una forma cilindrica, una crosta liscia e consistente di colore da marrone chiaro a scuro e una crosta non edibile, il Mudosu è un formaggio speciale, perfetto per chi cerca un gusto unico, ricco di eleganza e raffinatezza.
El queso Manchego se diferencia de los demás quesos hechos en España, en su aspecto exterior, por la identificación del mismo con una placa de caseína, donde aparece la palabra Manchego y un número de serie donde nos permite realizar la trazabilidad del producto autentificando el producto por el Consejo Regulador de la denominación de Origen Manchega.
El interior del queso es de color marfil, con ojos repartidos de forma homogénea.
Textura mantecosa, fundente en boca, con sabor franco, suave, profundo, propio de la leche de oveja.
Todos nuestros quesos están elaborados sin aditivos alimentarios y libres de lisozima, natamicina y sorbatos. Sin gluten.
ChèvrArdennes se présente sous plusieurs déclinaisons de goûts remarquables : en croûte fleurie, en rondin frais aux herbes, au miel, aux raisins secs, aux oignons, bruschetta, au citron, lardé. Mais aussi en pavé cendré, en feuilleté de chèvre au miel, au parmesan Parmigiano Reggiano, Bleu Danois, et beaucoup d’autres encore. Les fromages de chèvre conçus selon notre souci de la qualité ne peuvent que valoriser votre réputation de distributeur exigeant dans son choix de fromages frais et exclusifs pour ses clients.
Potato Chips .. 80g each bag .. 6 bags per box.. high quality potato. shipping internationally to any location with minimum order of 1 container . Flavors : Salt & Vinegar- Ketchup-Chicken -Cheese- Spicy Cheese- Salt -Barbeque-Chili & Lemon. Mix flavors 40 feet container also available per request.
Surprise your visitors with the most delicious desserts! Find out the secrets of the professionals in the kitchen in this blog. Just how do you make that soft, whipped cream and meringue? The secret is in nitrous oxide. Nitrous oxide determines a lot for the flavor, texture, and longevity of the cream. By combining nitrous oxide with a whipped cream siphon, you can have delicious, creamy whipped cream made in just a few minutes.
Remove the head from your whipped cream siphon, pour in the exact amount of cream that matches the size, along with sweetener or powdered sugar to taste, and reattach the head.
Locate the N2O cartridge holder and unscrew it. Insert the hose from the nitrous oxide cream charger into the cartridge holder and unscrew the pressure regulator to release the nitrous oxide gas. Fill the whipped cream siphon. And tighten the cartridge holder again.
A mix of salty snacks in one place. Convenient packaging will allow you to immediately put snacks on the table.Are you starting a new season of the series, or maybe inviting your friends? Stock your home pantry with our snack tray and munch all the time! The tray contains:fried salted peanuts 28%roasted salted sunflower seeds 28%salted broad beans 18%salted roasted corn 14%peanuts in paprika coating 12%
Ingrédients : Farine de blé origine France, beurre, 13.3% concentré de tomate (tomate, sel), sel, 0.67% curry.
Valeurs nutritionnelles pour 100g : Energie 1824 Kj, 438 Kcal, matières grasses 30g, dont acides gras saturés 20g, glucides 37g, dont sucre 1.4g, protéines 5g, sel 0.72g.
The pasta is free from gluten, wheat starch, lactose, milk, eggs and preserving agents. It has a natural taste and contains a lot of fiber. Without GMO. This product is recommended for people with food allergies, celiac disease or glutenfree diets.
Weight:300 g
Corn puffs are both kids and adults’ favourite snack. In order to preserve the crunchiness, fluffiness and delicateness of a product, we manufacture single-layer polypropylene (BOPP) packaging. We manufacture goods which feature high transparency and gloss. It ensures the fine display of a packed product.
Flavour: Intense
Aroma: Characteristic of a sheep cheese with black olive aroma
Color: Pale yellow with dark veining coming from the black olive cream
Consistency: Hard